
Mars and outer planets trading post.

The University of Galilee.

Request Prospectus If you are interested in what courses we run then we can send you a prospectus. As well as undergraduate and postgraduate courses we will also teach a wide range of higher education. We run full time and part time courses as well as evening, summer and winter courses. There is even the option of part time revision.
First year students get the opportunity to live on site and the University has a nursery for students with young children. There is also a multi faith chapel.

The Prospectus gives you an insight into what it is really like to study on Ganymede. Written and produced by students, it covers everything from the different courses and colleges, societies, going out, applying to the Univesity of Galilee right through to what to do when you graduate.

Request a Prospectus.

Please complete the following:

Required fields are coloured in light blue

First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail Address:

Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:

Daytime Telephone:
Evening Telephone:
Mobile Phone:

Sports are compulsory for first year students. Which sports interest you?

 Rugby  Football  Cricket
 Hockey  Netball  Tennis
 Badminton  Basketball  Baseball
 Rounders  Athletics  Aerobics
 Swimming  Running  Rowing

Subject that interests you:
Please fill in this field so we can highlight those courses in the prospectus

Visiting Open Day:
Date of Birth:
 Male  Female
Other Information:


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Please enter the text shown in the image above for verification

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